Choosing a Purge and Trap Autosampler: Frequently Asked Questions

 Purge and trap autosamplers are frequently used for chromatographic analysis. Unlike other types of autosamplers, their purging and trapping mechanism makes them ideal for analyzing compounds that are present in low levels, particularly Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) If you are in the market for a purge and trap autosampler, but if you have questions about choosing the best equipment, the answers below may help.

Should the machine accommodate both water and soil samples?

Laboratories that use autosamplers to test soil and liquid samples routinely use models that accommodate both types of samples. The potential benefits of using the same machine for both samples include: less equipment expense, less equipment occupied space, and more efficient sample transfer.

What is the best process for preventing sample carryover?

Different models use different methods for preventing carryover. One of the best methods is to fill the needle with bake gas in a trap bake mode while applying a hot water rinse in a fixed volume loop to heat the water in the pathway. This method is used with the Centurion purge and trap Autosampler.

Is a front-loading model better than a back-loading model?

Both models have unique benefits. Front-loading purge and trap models are beneficial for having low carryover and sample consumption, while back-loading models are advantageous for having an efficient cleaning function. Most autosamplers have front-loading technology, but hybrid autosamplers that contain both types of technology are also available.

What IT capabilities should the autosampler offer?

The IT environment of the laboratory defines the IT capabilities of its equipment. Today, high-tech laboratories need autosamplers that have network capability, printing capability, and offer web-based access. Models that contain the Windows XPe platform offer these IT capabilities, among others.

Is it sensible to purchase a pre-owned autosampler?

Buying a pre-owned model is indeed sensible for several reasons. For one, it is typically priced at least twenty-five percent less than new equipment. For another, it normally experiences minimal wear. Buying a pre-owned product is also sensible when the product's technology is up to date. Because lightly used lab equipment enters the secondary market at a steady rate, finding up-to-date equipment is usually not difficult.

What type of seller should pre-owned equipment be purchased from?

Pre-owned lab equipment is available from several sources, but it should be purchased from a seller that specializes in inspecting, reconditioning, and reselling used lab equipment. Some sellers of new equipment also sell pre-owned equipment. If you need help deciding whether to buy a new autosampler or a used one, consulting with one of these sellers is ideal.


A purge and trap autosampler is found in most laboratories that test soil and liquid samples for low-level compounds. Although purge and trap autosamplers can perform the same types of analysis, different models have different features. Choosing the right model requires a careful inspection of the machine's unique mechanics, its overall condition, and an assessment of the seller. For more information on selecting an autosampler, contact a reputable seller of new and used laboratory equipment today.


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